Creative Ideas For A Research Paper On Effects Of Bullying
Bullying is a challenge in so many schools at the moment. There are students who go through it every other time they go to school, and sadly, the learning institutions are not doing enough to protect such students. There are so many cases that have arisen in the past with regard to bullying, some that have spiraled to involve the entire community around the school, and others that have escalated as far as into political arenas.
For your research paper on bullying, there is so much that you can do in order to make this paper awesome. In fact, if you were to pay attention to detail, you would come to realize that perhaps this is one of the easiest papers you will ever work on in as far as a research paper on the effects of bullying is concerned.
The following are some creative ideas that will help you make sure that you present a really good paper:
- Discuss how anti-bullying programs in schools have in the recent past helped curtail the problem.
- Bullying has manifested in different ways over the past few years. Discuss how cyber bullying has become a bigger threat to the victims, and the community at large
- Citing relevant examples, discuss some of the different forms of bullying that can be experienced by a victim
- Discuss possible stiffer penalties that should be imposed on those guilty of bullying
- Explain some reasons why bullying might never really be put to an end even in the future
- Discuss the role that parents play in the continued propagation of bullying in the learning environment, particularly when their kids are the aggressors
- Some critics have often viewed bullying as an expected part of growing up, and some even view it as a normal rite of passage. Discuss
- Discuss the prospect of criminalization of bullying
- Racial profiling and bullying go hand in hand. Discuss how these two vices in the community can contribute to the spread and propagation of one another
- Discuss some of the effects of bullying to the moral esteem of a student
- Citing relevant examples, explain the context of the following; bullying, bullicide and suicide
- Provide some good examples of successful strategies that have been implemented in the past by schools to help in dealing with bullying
- Discuss the reasons why bullying is considered a challenge that cannot be helped through legislation
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